Monday, 8 June 2009

15K Twice in a week

Well, after a few weeks off I have really got back into the running. Did 15K last Thursday and again tonight. Times were similar but check out the details here,runs,137487911

Monday, 27 April 2009

Finally got round to another run

22nd of March was the last time I went for a run. Thats over 5 weeks ago. Shame on me :-(

Anyway, thought i had better get back into it so had a brisk 5k jog to the dam and back. Not my fastest time but got the achy bones moving again.

Usual update here,runs,137487911


Sunday, 22 March 2009

A Full Circuit

Finally decided today was the day to go for it and run a full circuit of Grafham Water.

Well, didn't do too bad. I made it round at least. 15K in 1 hour 31 mins. Really pleased to have made it all the way round as i had intended to do it last year but just never got round to it.

Lord Coe, if you stumble over my blog I will be ready for 2012.

Check out the usual details here,runs,137487911

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

10K the hard way

This morning I decided to try the 10K route around Grafham from Mander Park to Perry but this time going over the hills. Wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be, must be getting fitter.

10K in under an hour is still good for me.

Usual info here,runs,137487911

I am now seriously contemplating a whole circuit of Grafham on Saturday. Watch this space.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Just running

With the start of the fishing season all fishing related posts will be on my other blog.

Check out

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Recent Runs

Not updated the blog for a while so a few runs to catch up on.

Last week I decided to attempt a 10K run for the first time and surprised myself by managing to complete the distance without throwing up, passing out or needing medical attention. 1hour 2 mins was the time which although no world record was at least respectable, for me anyway.

That was on the Wednesday so on Saturday I figured I could do it again so set out to better my time. The time was better at 59 mins 56 secs. I was well pleased with beating the hour.

Today I tried something different. 7.5K was the target but instead of running around the Dam at Grafham I went the other way round through the nature reserve, littleless wood and taking in the hills. Figured it would be a bit more testing than the flat. It was but the time was still good. 43mins 13secs was the fastest I have ran 7.5K.

As usually the info is on Nike+ so click here,runs,137487911

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

New Furthest distance

Finally decided to increase the distance and set oput to do 10K this afternoon.

Well, made it! Not a bad time for me either 1 hour 2 mins.

Check out the details here,runs,137487911

Thursday, 19 February 2009

After the Snow

Now that the snow and ice have gone I went out this evening and did 5K. Done my knee in again though so hobbling for a few days.

Usual update here at,runs,137487911

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Short and Quick

A quick 3K tonight around the village and a new fastest mile as well.

Far too cold and icy to go far but will try and get out for at least 5K over the weekend.

Updated Nike information here,runs,137487911

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Best so far

Decided that today was the day to go for the longest run so far so set the ipod up for 7.5K and off I went.

Half way point is the tower along the dam and it was head wind most of the way there but coming back was better with the wind behind.

Not too bad a time at just over 47 mins, well not bad for me anyway. Ache like hell now.

Usual updated details here,runs,137487911

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Short one

Set out to do 3K tonight but managed to press the wrong button on the ipod at just over 0.5K so ended up resetting the workout so really did just over 3.5K. The 3K was in just over 18 mins so not too bad for me. Think I might have a go at 7.5K at the weekend. I'll see how I feel.

Usual info here,runs,137487911

Monday, 26 January 2009


Another 5K tonight around the village in a new PB, Under 30 mins for the first time.

I know! it's not exactly world record pace but it is getting quicker.

Check out the progress here,runs,137487911

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Longest run so far

Managed 5K today. From home to the start of the Dam at Grafham Water is 2.5K so makes for a nice round trip.

It was a bit muddy and soggy though.

Uploaded the info to the Nike site from my Ipod so click here,runs,137487911 for details.

Need to keep up the distances now. I will get in a full lap of Grafham Water befor the start of the fishing season.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

First few runs

Been out a few times and clocked up a few kilometers around Perry and Grafham Water.

Just got the Nike+ device for my ipod touch so i can now track my runs and upload the info to the Nike website. Just a bit of fun really but check it out here,,runs,137487911

Done my right knee in a bit so that hurts at the moment so might hinder me for a few days but it should get better.

Monday, 12 January 2009

First run

Finally decided to brave the cold and go out for my first run on Sunday morning.

Started gently, only a short 3 miles but enough to make everything ache again. I had forgotten how that feels.

Did a quick couple of laps of the village tonight as well. Can't walk now.

Really unfit or what! can only get better though.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

This blog will fill the gap during the fishing closed season. Although I may just sneak in one or two trips to Earith Lakes near Huntingdon. I gather they are open all year round. tee hee

During the first 7 or 8 months of 2008 I managed to loose 2st 7lb and got reasonably fit. Since August though I haven't really excercised properly although I have not put any of the weight back on again, well maybe a pound or two over Christmas.

Well, armed with my new Ipod I intend to start the jogging again in a bid to make it down to 12st. Only 8lb really to loose so can't be that hard can it?